Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Free MRCP Clinical Courses...

Neurology4MRCP will conduct a full clinical course for MRCP UK PACES/ MRCP Ireland part II general medical clinical examination, covering all examination stations and steps. This course is designed specifically for helping Iraqi doctors to be prepared for the MRCP clinical examination and to improve their performances and skills.
Key points:
1- Date: 20-28 April 2007.
2- There will be 3 days concentrating on neurology and neuro-ophthalmology.
3- Venue: Sulaimaniya General Hospital/ Sulaimanyia/ Iraq.
4- Fee: FREE. Registration is open to all (Iraqis and non-Iraqis). To register please contact Neurology4MRCP at Gmail Dot Com.
5- Tutor: Dr. Osama Amin MRCPI
6- We will provide you with: stethoscope, patellar hammer, ophthalmoscope, red head pin, tunning forks (128, 256), tape measure, a peace of cottonwool, pin, tubes (warm and cold, for temperature sensation), and tongue depressor.
Best wishes...
Team Neurology4MRCP