Distributing and Making Neurology (and Internal Medicine) Easier Over the Web! Learning is free and shall be free! Neurology4MRCP.Com is a not-profit website dedicating its work specifically to all MRCP(UK) and MRCP(I) candidates and generally to those who show interests in medicine and neurology.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
A Wonderful Neurology Website!
The Temple University School of Medicine's Department of Anatomy and Cell biology has a wonderful website for Neurosciences. It has sections for:
1-Neurologic Images and Atlases.
2-Neurologic Interactive Quizzes.
3-Neurologic Examination Clips.
I would recommed this websites for those who are interested in Neurology.
Best wishes...
Dr. O Amin
Neurologist and Head of Team Neurology4MRCPGroup