Distributing and Making Neurology (and Internal Medicine) Easier Over the Web! Learning is free and shall be free! Neurology4MRCP.Com is a not-profit website dedicating its work specifically to all MRCP(UK) and MRCP(I) candidates and generally to those who show interests in medicine and neurology.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Harrison's Neurology In Clinical Medicine...
Featuring the contents of the Neurology section of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 16th Edition -enhanced with important updates, new and annotated references, new illustrations, and self-assessment/exam review Questions and Answers-this next-generation resource is perfect for the backpack, the wards, and in all clinical situations. Also great for students! See a sample chapter (PDF).
Have a look and don't miss it.
Best wishes...
Dr. O Amin MRCPI