I would like to thank the Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd for publishing my new book, Get Through MRCP Part 1. I'm grateful to Sarah Burrows, Sarah Vasey, and Hannah Wessely at the RSM press for their kind help.
Thanks to Dr. David Misselbrook, the Dean of the RSM, for eloquently writing the Foreword page of my humble book.
I'm indebted to Nora Naughton, Aileen Castle, and Mandy Sancto at the Naughton Project Management for their marvelous work.
Special thanks go to Lucy Gardner, the copy-editor, who did excellent work.
And last but not least, I'm grateful to Bell & Bain Ltd, Glasgow, for printing the book, and to Techset Composition, the typeset, Salisbury.
Without the kind help and contribution of all of the above, this book would have not been published.
I'm intending to donate my royalty to support the educational activities of the RSM. I encourage other writers to follow the same path; medical teaching is NOT a business, it is a FREE flag that should be handed to others! A world full of knowledge and science will be a better place for all.
My free website, www.Neurology4MRCP.com, will continue its journey of helping the MRCP candidates get through this examination...
Dr. Osama SM Amin MRCPI MRCPS(Glasg)
Director of www.Neurology4MRCP.com
October 2008