Distributing and Making Neurology (and Internal Medicine) Easier Over the Web! Learning is free and shall be free! Neurology4MRCP.Com is a not-profit website dedicating its work specifically to all MRCP(UK) and MRCP(I) candidates and generally to those who show interests in medicine and neurology.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology, 8th Edition
Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology, 8th Edition
Allan H. Ropper, Robert H. Brown
Impossible to be an efficient neurologist without reading this book. It is my mentor for many years, during my board study journey. A new take on the classic, definitive text on the full spectrum of neurology. Reflecting a modern approach to neurology, Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology, 8/e new format highlights a more complete and accessible approaches to treatment and clinical management strategies. This thoroughly revised edition features more coverage of treatment and neuroimaging, renown signs and symptoms sections integrated throughout, and over 800 illustrations.
Have a look on its E-Edition.
Best wishes...
Dr. O Amin MRCPI
Neurologist and Head of Team Neurology4MRCPGroup