Monday, October 30, 2006

Adult Internal Medicine Self-Assessment, an Excellent Book!

After finishing reading this book for the second time, i think that the future MRCP and MRCPI candidates should read this excellent book. Nearly 1,000 case-based problems make review easy and enjoyable, whether you're studying for the board, recertifying , or just looking for a convenient way to make sure your patient-care skills stay sharp (this is mainly for the ABIM, but I think it is also suitable for any postgraduate clinical study including MRCP UK and MRCP Irleand diploma) .
  • Comprehensive. An extensive library of questions covers all of adult internal medicine, plus Psychiatry, Neurology, Dermatology, and more. And each question presents commonly encountered cases, diagnostic and therapeutic options, and in-depth reasoning and explanations on the recommended choices. Covers all the major areas of practice you need to review to score well on the exam.
  • Trustworthy. Questions are derived from the respected ACP Medicine CME program. For further reading, the problems are referenced to ACP Medicine, a continually updated, evidence-based reference of adult internal medicine. The cases are reviewed by experts in clinical practice from our editorial board at the nation's leading medical institutions.
  • Relevant. Case-based for greater relevance to daily practice—the format selected for many of the questions on recent exams. These self-assessment questions provide easy-to-understand, detailed explanations of the principles behind the answers—an ideal way to get ready for the boards or recertification.
  • Print or Electronic Formats. Our problem series can be ordered in traditional print or convenient new e-book formats.
You may see a PDF SAMPLE here.

Thanks to the ACP and MedScape.
Best Wishes...

Dr. O Amin MRCPI
Neurologist and Head of Team Neurology4MRCPGroup